Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day by Jake Knapp My rating: 4 of 5 stars I liked this book. The premise is pretty straightforward: 1. Pick 1 highlight to focus on per day. 2. Find a way/s to reduce distraction. 3. Maximise energy and recharge the brain with healthy living. 4.…
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Book Review: Free to Focus
Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less by Michael Hyatt My rating: 4 of 5 stars I enjoyed the clear steps Mr Hyatt peesented on how to become more productive. This book reminds me of a similar one on productivity “Curating Your Life” but provides a systematic approach with…
Book Review: Atomic Habits
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really like the clarity in how he presents his ideas and expands on others (e.g. Duhigg). The framework is simple enough to remember but admittedly much harder to implement and…
Closing a (CG) Chapter of My Life AKA a Curation Exercise.
My active involvement in 3D computer graphics and animation production began in my second year study at university: via a 2-month industrial attachment at an innovative yet unfortunately short-lived small local game company. This was way back in 1993. The software I was introduced to was 3D Studio Release 4, running on DOS, and my…
Investing – Better Late Than Never, Right?
For the longest time I have been resistant to the idea of financial investing aside from addressing the basic life insurance needs of my family and I. Reasons include servicing long-time accumulated debts and managing the daily expenses that usually left me with barely anything to save at the end of the month let alone…
November 2020 – January 2021 Art Projects Update.
This was supposed to be part of the previous post but it ended up longer than intended, so I split it up. I mentioned back in November that there were a few projects I had been working on. The first was the 2-hour digital illustration workshop scheduled in mid December. While the workshop proceeded as…
Keep Blogging? The Benefits of Writing.
I missed out on posting last December and laboured on whether to continue updating this website with my thoughts and artwork. I had come up with all the reasons why I lapsed, started typing them out explaining myself then realized that instead of questioning my lack of action (for the umpteenth time), I just have…
Invitations: Health Study & Digital Illustration Workshop.
At the end of last month, I was invited to sign up for a technology-enabled population health study by the Health Promotion Board. By accepting, I was expected to commit over a period of 2 years. What really appealed to me was that the study will be able to help me track my physical activity,…
Goodbye Little Shophouse. A Couple of Singapore Pioneers.
When I was much younger, my older brother and I used to help out at my late grandfather’s bookstore on 134 Arab Street during school holidays. I would get items from the shelves for customers and eventually graduated to wrapping books and manning the cash register. Often I would stare enviously at the expensive stationery…
EETC Keynote. Jog-Walk. Air-Fried Eggs.
I had a relatively busy but immensely enjoyable week! First, I was honoured to have been given the opportunity to give a short keynote on “Assessing Learning in Real Time (A.L.E.R.T.)” at the morning segment of the Singapore Polytechnic Excellence in Education and Teaching Convention (EETC) 2020 on Thursday. This year the convention was conducted…